Michael Jordan Celebrates His Birthday With a $10 Million Gift to Make-a-Wish Foundation

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Basketball great Michael Jordan gave $10 million to establish an endowment to ensure the charity can grant future wishes for children with critical illnesses, something it has been doing to provide critically ill youths with hope since it was founded in 1980.

Jordan is chairman of the Charlotte Hornets, a National Basketball Association team that he owns. He played basketball for 15 seasons for the Chicago Bulls and the Washington Wizards. He has been donating to the charity for the last three decades.

Jordan said in a news release that he gave his latest donation to celebrate his 60th birthday and to encourage others to give so the group can close a gap in the number of children who are waiting for their wishes to come true. The wishes that the charity fulfills run the gamut from meeting someone a child admires to spending the day working with an astronaut. Meeting Jordan is one of the charity’s most popular wish requests.

Source: "Michael Jordan Celebrates His Birthday With a $10 Million Gift to Make-a-Wish Foundation"  The Chronicle Of Philanthropy 02/21/2023.

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