Category Archives: Society

Silicon Valley CF awarded $1.4 billion in first three quarters of 2021

Silicon Valley CF awarded $1.4 billion in first three quarters of 2021 October 23, 2021 The Silicon Valley Community Foundation has announced that it disbursed a total of $1.4 billion in grants in the first three quarters of 2021, including $541 million in support of community organizations in California. Grants totaling $464 million were awarded to 4,736…
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Hewlett Foundation announces new, five-year $50 million Economy and Society Initiative to support growing movement to replace neoliberalism

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation announced a five-year, $50 million commitment to help develop a new intellectual paradigm to replace neoliberalism—the framework that has dominated our economic and political debates for more than forty years. The new Economy and Society Initiative will help develop a new “common sense” about how the relationship between governments, markets, and…
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